Multiplayer crash 2v2

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output log first before I forget


Version: 1.4.0f4

Alright a quick description of what has be going on and of course it was only on multiplayer.

A friend and I were jumping on Multiplayer to 2v2 some bots simple enough then the game crashed when we were playing. I looked up current issues and people explained that it has to do with the beast pens again same map (Ironbeard's Stronghold) 2v2 easy bots since my friend was new to the game I noticed that the computers had beast creatures which I didn't think much of it then when we almost took over everything it crashed again.

Of course I am posting this as a bug since the game itself didn't make a time stamp folder for a crash and if it happens again I will try to post snapshots.

Game Version:
Steam Public

Hehe, something like:

Then my theory of something getting out of sync (posted in a similar thread) wasn't too far off :-)

Well, happy to hear that you've fixed it!


Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved