interface problems / UI Freeze

  • Views 19.947
  • aggiornato
  • Completed - Resolved

hi just brought the game, and when i play through the campaign about half way through the mission the interface disappears. its still there cos if i click in the right place the option to cast a spell, build a room etc still works, but it looks like its just the rooms tab. so i basically have to guess the right place to click which is more or less impossible . also if i press escape i cant see the the main menu.

so i tried this fix but now i dont even get a menu when i start the game, but the dude says "welcome etc" and the background is there just no menu.

i run on laptop

win 10 64 bit

intel core i5 6300hq @2.3ghz

12gb ram

hope u can help cheers

Game Version:
Steam Public
Duplicates 1
UI Freezing

As requested on Steam discussion:

Kaos 21 hours ago
I am getting the same UI problem. I have completed a game with the UI frozen, all buttons are functional but you cannot see what your clicking on. mouse popups still work but not anything that changes the Ui screen. It is still in place when on the campaign map. Next mission caused same problem.


Ace Strife

Sorry for the delayed response, but I hadn't played the game all this time.

Finally got back around to it, and it looks like the issue was resolved with the 1.6.2 patch (or later).  Played for a good 6 hours and it never happened.

Still got some performance degradation/hitching issues (especially with revealing more and more of the dungeon, like with the prophecy spell), but that's for another thread.


Still reproducible:

  • Windows
  • 10 Professional
  • 64 bit
    • 8 Gb
    • Intel Core i7-6500U
    • nVidia GeForce 940M
  • v1.6.3 (Steam version, installed yesterday)
  • main Campaign level 2, in a total of 5/5 attempts.
  • 3 output logs, numbered as following:
    • 0 - out of the box
    • 1 - after following "Missing, Invisible or Lagging UI" case 1
    • 2 - after following "Missing, Invisible or Lagging UI" case 2 and reducing graphic options to minimum
    • Each game has been cancelled via Alt+F4 as soon as the bug was noticed.
    • Each game there was UI - only UI - lag visible as much as 1 minute before the bug occured.
    • The game itself runs smoothly and even somewhat too fast (judging by animation speed).
    • Save files were not generated. Each game was started from the Campaign menu.
    • the logs on DropBox

For reference: My machine is an unmodified Asus X555U laptop.

Interestingly, I was unable to reproduce this effect in Campaign level 1.

... Also reproducible in My Pet Dungeon level 1. Seems to consistently happen soon after the 10 minute mark.

... Sadly reloading a save game seems to postpone the occurence of the bug. It might be possible to restart the game every ten minutes to stave it of indefinitely - of course, this does not allow to actually enjoy playing it.

  • Pending Customer

Hey Zsar,

Unfortunately the logs dont seem to be shining too much light on the cause of the issue, could I get the debug.log from GameInstallPath\War For The Overworld\WFTOGame_Data\CoherentUI_Host\windows that may be more useful


I figured as much. Will try to produce a matching triple of both logs and a save file on thursday.

For now, on my current attempt I have noticed that the issue seems to be linked to screen resolution.

I played the previous games on:

  • fullscreen 1920x1080
  • fullscreen 1920x1080
  • fullscreen 1920x1080
  • windowed 1600x900

The first three games exhibited the bug earlier than the fourth one, but at that time I had put that down to random chance.

Today I played My Pet Dungeon level 1 on

  • fullscreen 1280x720

and was unable to reproduce the bug within the ~two hours it took me to beat the level.

  • Completed - Resolved

Hey Zsar,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I've just had a closer look at your GPU and it looks like it falls far below minimum spec. As you can see here your GPU scores on average 953points on the PassMark benchmark. 

Unfortunately War For the Overworld requires a minimum score of 1500 on the PassMark benchmark to run the game, as stated in our System Requirements. There's nothing we can really do to fix it other than recommending that you attempt to run in the absolute lowest video settings. I hope that you can find some way to enjoy the game, or an alternative machine to play on.

It's likely that the game scene gets a bit intense and needs more processing power, which it steals from the UI layer. This'll cause the UI to crash causing the issue you're seeing. If you play on a lower resolution it will prevent this from happening.