interface problems / UI Freeze

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hi just brought the game, and when i play through the campaign about half way through the mission the interface disappears. its still there cos if i click in the right place the option to cast a spell, build a room etc still works, but it looks like its just the rooms tab. so i basically have to guess the right place to click which is more or less impossible . also if i press escape i cant see the the main menu.

so i tried this fix but now i dont even get a menu when i start the game, but the dude says "welcome etc" and the background is there just no menu.

i run on laptop

win 10 64 bit

intel core i5 6300hq @2.3ghz

12gb ram

hope u can help cheers

Game Version:
Steam Public
Duplicates 1
UI Freezing

As requested on Steam discussion:

Kaos 21 hours ago
I am getting the same UI problem. I have completed a game with the UI frozen, all buttons are functional but you cannot see what your clicking on. mouse popups still work but not anything that changes the Ui screen. It is still in place when on the campaign map. Next mission caused same problem.


Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Third Party
Quote from Lee "Noontide" Moon

UI Freezing

Steven Lloyd 2 hours ago • updated by Lee "Noontide" Moon (Community & QA Manager) 1 minute ago • 1

As requested on Steam discussion:

Kaos 21 hours ago
I am getting the same UI problem. I have completed a game with the UI frozen, all buttons are functional but you cannot see what your clicking on. mouse popups still work but not anything that changes the Ui screen. It is still in place when on the campaign map. Next mission caused same problem.


Just started out playing again. Tried the Heart of Gold and Crucible. Not sure what it is but I adjusted the cam quite often in Rotation and angle of view. A few minutes after playing the game the interface was stuck and not responsive anymore. But the game seems to be still functional when i try to hit the right place but is not updatet graphical. Pressing ESC gave me no menu but the game was paused.

Specify your platform

  • OS Windows 10
  • 64bit
    • 8 gb DDR3 Ram
    • AMD 965 BE
    • Radeon HD 7800, 2 gb DDR5


Thanks for that update from yesterday. Works fine now.

  • Started
  • Completed - Next Patch
  • Completed - Resolved
Svend Heinesen

Was this ever solved? I am having the same problem :( A couple of minutes in the UI will freeze up. How long it lasts varies, but eventually it happens; no matter if it is campaign, pet dungeon or crucible. Haven't tried others as the problem prevents me from finishing whatever I start.
Can see that I have couple of dump files in the ...CoherentUI_Host\windows folder, but the are not clear text so can't see what they say.


Hey Svend, 

Have you tried following our Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI knowledge Base article? 

Follow those steps and report back. 

Svend Heinesen
Quote from anonymous

Hey Svend, 

Have you tried following our Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI knowledge Base article? 

Follow those steps and report back. 

I am on a laptop with onboard intel card, so case 1 doesn't really apply. Step 2 sorta works. Even though I'm on a win10 version  with DirectX12, the -force-d3d12option  only results in black screen.

-force-d3d11 didn't seem to do anything

-force-d3d9 is the one sorta workoing. The UI will freeze up every now and again, but after a few seconds it works again.As long as you are just messing about and getting stuff ready it works fine. But it is annoying when you are in a fight, and you can't get to the right spell

  • Pending Customer

Can you post your system specs Svend?