Selected blocks appear black instead of blue (linux)

  • Views 14.707
  • opdateret
  • Completed - Resolved

Game version: 1.4.1f1

OS: (Linux) Fedora 24 64 bits

Graphic drivers: Nvidia proprietary drivers 367.27

When I select blocks for carving, they appear completely black like this;

Image 1200

I have tested on the computer of a friend running Windows, and the result I expect is the blue coloring like this:

Image 1201

Here are my graphical settings:

Image 1202

I have tried to play with most options, with no result.

Thanks in advance :)

Game Version:
Steam Public

Hvordan vurderer du den kundeservice, du har modtaget?

Tilfredshedsangivelse af Gwendal 8 år siden


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Gentagelser 1
Selected tiles are black instead of blue
Avatar YS1

When I select a tile for mining, it is "highlighted" with black.

OS : Linux XUbuntu 16.04 64 bits

GPU : ATI Firepro V4800

Driver : open source driver from ubuntu repo

RAM : 16 GB



Setting See-Through Highlighting=False in Options.txt does not help


Sorry for the lack of response, I did not manage to downgrade my drivers, so I am waiting for a driver update to see if this fixes the problem. I will re-post a comment here if I have news.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved

Closing due to lack of customer response.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer

Once you've done that can you let us know if you've had any success. In the meantime I'll set this as Needs more Information.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Under Review

Hey mate. This can occur sometimes due to bad GPU drivers. You may need to look into updating your GPU drivers or switching driver type.