Challenge Mode Mutation Research Stuck

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At some point during current challenge play through the research on the mutation has jammed. There seems to be no one with the mutation either, when I click it in the top right it leads me to the ordinary patient overview. Researchers continue to research it for no gain. This has been the case for quite a while now.

The new game mode was only released yesterday so I expect this'll probably get fixed pretty soon but thought I'd send this to you guys anyway in case it was helpful. 

Debug File:

Galacticare Debug Save 13 September 2024

2 Screenshots:

Image 9085

Image 9084

Windows PC
Sonia Customer Support
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Hi Jenny! Thanks so much for reaching out and letting us know about the issues with research. I will forward the information to the team so that we can look into this further. Thank you so much for including the debug files as well, it helps a lot! Have a great day - Sonia