Workers stop to carry enemies to prison

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  • Completed - Resolved

10 the kenos_20160601001926.meta

10 the kenos_20160601001926

Playing the mission when you encounter Mira for the first time. At some point, workers just started to ignore defeated enemies instead of dragging them to prison.

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Steam Public

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Satisfaction mark by Old Cat 8 anos atrás

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Old Cat

Well, two things that are common for both cases is that I played at min speed, and also was messing up with Mira to make sure she doesn't interfere, ie prevented her from attacking heroes by capturing territory around her.

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Under Review

i have seen this issue before, but im unable to reliably reproduce it. Basically the exact cause is unknown we are investigating

Old Cat

I started the map again. For some time everything was fine. But at some point workers kinda forgot how to imprison heroes. They try to grab heroes in order to drag to prison, but then release them immediately, and continue to do so until heroes die. I have more than enough space in prisons, and even didn't used saves during the map.

Old Cat

Tested it a bit more. I can release heroes I currently have in my prison, beat them again, and they will be dragged to prison again. But all freshly beaten ones will be ignored by imps.