A balance fix has rendered a level unwinnable

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The second pet dungeon is unwinnabble because the outpost cannot be constructed with a ritual.

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I can't play the dlc that I paid for...

Quote from Tyoka “Tyoka42” Bina

I can't play the dlc that I paid for...

I've just played through this level now myself and was able to unlock the construction ritual just fine, and once it was activated it built the outposts.

Were you researching sins, and using them to progress through the Veins of Evil (tech tree). Whilst rooms are unlocked automatically in MPD mode, other aspects including the construction ritual still need to be unlocking using sins.

EDIT - Managed to complete the whole level, so it seems to be working fine!

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
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Thanks Nutter, as confirmed by Nutter this level is completable.

There's been no balance changes which would have affected the outpost or the construction ritual. I also confirmed myself that the behaviour is working as intended.

Give it another try with the construction ritual and make sure you're using that one and not assembly, which while similar does not affect constructs.