game crash on start up

  • Views 10,680
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

Hi there

When I try to start the game the startup image is seen in a tiny resolusion in the lower left corner with a lot of flickering in the background. The load game bar is moving until the end but the game crashes without me entering the main menu.

The odd thing is that I was actually able to play the game the third or fourth time I tried starting it but now it seems impossible. Very frustrating!

Files have been verified

This is the second time I'm having this problem starting up the game. Initially I had it when buying the 1.3 version but after a few weeks it started working normally. After upgrading to Heart of Gold (version 1.4) this very same problem has restarted.


apple report.pages

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Under Review

Hello MRmedister

this sounds like you have multiple isseues so we may need to go step-by-step here:

please try the solutions provided here regarding your start up crash

if the game continues to start and you suffer from the low resolution check out this video:

we are currently working on a fix. please come back to me if you have trouble with the instructions provided or if they do not solve your issues


Thanks for your reply

I'm not able to solve the problem with your current support.

No headset. No anti-virus program.

I'm using a MacBook:


Intel Core i7

4 cores x 2,8 GHz

16 GB

AMD Radeon R9 M370X build-in

All drivers are updated!

I'm not able to get past the splash screen seen in the lower left corner. The game seems to be loading 3/4 before it crashes. Resolution changes quite a lot with the curser being a miniature. There is a flickering pattern running in the background not interfering with the splash screen. It all takes a few seconds before it crashes.

The low resolution video is currently not relevant as not able to start the game.


Jan - Eric Merzel

i will need to give this to our coders then, thanks for your information

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved

Hi Mrmedister,

We fixed a couple of things in the latest patches. Can you let us know if your crash is resolved?

