Game crash on startup

  • Views 19,226
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

Installing the game and starting it, it first loads an insane amount of time(around 5 minutes), than it crashes right before the mainmenu.

Spes: Windows 7 64 bit

GPU: GT 540M

CPU: i5- 2410M


Build: couldn't see it so far cause no main menu


Already tried:Setting my GPU to the dedicated one

Reeinstalling the game

Game Version:
Steam Public
Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Under Review

The log you uploaded does mention that you may be trying to run the game with the Intel GPU. Try disabling the Nvidia Optimus system to force it to use the more powerful GPU. You can follow this quick guide here:

Try just setting the global option first. If that works, go back and set it specifically for our game, so its not always running.