Improvement: Pick up gold similar to the game Black and White 2

  • Views 8,369
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  • Declined

So, playing the third mission took far too long time when you had the gold since clicking on the gold in your coffers to place it in the smelter is tiresome.

Suggestion: Make it so that if you hold the left mouse button on a goldstack in your coffers that it starts picking up gold for you automatically until you have maximum in your hand. Same for dropping gold.

Example from the game:

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Satisfaction mark by Emil Hemdal 9 years ago

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Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Declined

Hello Emil Hemdal

this tracker is mostly for issues if you want to suggest something why dont you go to our dedicated Suggestion forum?

unless we get the community talking and endorsing such a improvement its unlikely for us to add it, i hope to0 see you there soon :)

i will decline this as it is no bug report