Shifting blood ritual in level 5 still stays 0% after patch 1.3

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  • Completed - Resolved

As the title says: casting the blood ritual in the sanctuary in level 5 doesn't move and remains at 0%. Restarting the game doesn't help. Old bugs that persists even after patch 1.3.

Thank you.

Game Version:
Steam Public

كيف تقيم خدمة العملاء التي تلقيتها؟

علامة الرضا من amirfoox منذ 9 سنة

إضافة تعليق حول كيفية المساعدة التي تلقيتها (اختياري):

  • Completed - Resolved

So we aren't exactly sure what's causing this at the moment but we have some solutions for you, first of all I have linked a copy of your save file with the ritual complete, simply load it and you should be able to finish the level. 

5 the rear guard_20170605170823.meta 

5 the rear guard_20170605170823

Alternatively load C5 and open the debug console by pressing "Scroll Lock" and then type "winlevel".

Let us know if neither of those work for you, and sorry again that you experienced this.


On the second attempt it all worked but I notices it started right after I used the grouping feature, which I know I ignored in the first attempt because he started to talk about it during an attack with me being completely busy fortifying the dungeon. Will try to verify that.

Here is the savegame. Not sure if something else is needed:

5 the rear guard_20170604013922
5 the rear guard_20170604013922.meta

  • Pending Customer

Hey ZeroPointEnergy,

I'm sorry you're having this issue, we aren't really sure of the cause. A broken save game would be great.


I just ran into this issue. No idea what triggered it, but all other objectives are complete. In the sanctuary it says the ritual is channeling, cultists are present but is stays at 0%

Would a save game of the broken state help?

  • Completed - Resolved

After testing on the latest build of the game I am unable to replicate the issue. We made significant changes to the scripting on this map that should prevent this from happening.

I will mark this as complete for now, if anyone experiences this same issue again then reply here and we can look further.

Andrjus Frantskjavitsius
Quote from anonymous

Just checking to confirm, have either of you been able to progress past this level?

After restarting the level, I was able to finish it. I didn't reload from a save.


Just checking to confirm, have either of you been able to progress past this level?

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
Quote from Andrjus Frantskjavitsius

Bought this game about a week ago and ran into the same problem (patch 1.5). Started the level and didn't pay much attention to the ritual. I destroyed all the gates and cleared the level of all enemies. Now I need to finish the ritual to complete the level and it's stuck at 0%. This is really frustrating since it took me a lot of time to clear the level.

I managed to reproduce the bug 2 times by saving and loading before the ritual gained 1%.

  • One cultist was channeling.
  • I didn't use the freeze potion.
  • The cutscene with the Crakckpot entering the dungeon hasn't played yet (I think). It plays after load when a second crackpot enters (one Crackpot is already present).
  • From the group that spawns after the ritual is initiated, some enemies were killed by a cannon and some were zapped.
  • Seems to work fine if there is no save/load.

Is there a workaround or do I need to restart?

If the save/load is causing the bug, then it is very easy to stumble upon it, since it's a good place to save when the player gets his/her control back.

Sounds like you broke the game's scripting by not using the freeze potion, to me atleast. If the game script has broken then it will require a restart (and properly completing objectives in order) to get past it without the same problem.

Andrjus Frantskjavitsius

Bought this game about a week ago and ran into the same problem (patch 1.5). Started the level and didn't pay much attention to the ritual. I destroyed all the gates and cleared the level of all enemies. Now I need to finish the ritual to complete the level and it's stuck at 0%. This is really frustrating since it took me a lot of time to clear the level.

I managed to reproduce the bug 2 times by saving and loading before the ritual gained 1%.

  • One cultist was channeling.
  • I didn't use the freeze potion.
  • The cutscene with the Crakckpot entering the dungeon hasn't played yet (I think). It plays after load when a second crackpot enters (one Crackpot is already present).
  • From the group that spawns after the ritual is initiated, some enemies were killed by a cannon and some were zapped.
  • Seems to work fine if there is no save/load.

Is there a workaround or do I need to restart?

If the save/load is causing the bug, then it is very easy to stumble upon it, since it's a good place to save when the player gets his/her control back.

  • Pending Customer

Hey Mike,

I'm really sorry that you are experiencing this issue.

Call you recall anything specific that happened while you were playing related to the ritual?

Did you have Cultists working in the Sanctuary?

Did you save the game before starting to channel the ritual?