A.I. does not attack.
Windows 8.1 64 bit, 8 Gm RAM, Intel(R) Core(TM) I7-4500 CPU1.80 GHz 2.40 GHz GPU: AMD Radeon R7 M265, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family. Version game fresh, 1.3.2f3
If the map is more complicated, namely, between the rivals the empire with portals (without core or inhibitor), and the area is impossible to capture the (fenced in the holy land, the walls of rooms impassable stone) - the A.I. even digging a tunnel toward the Empire, and accordingly, never attack an opponent.
This is an obvious bug that certainly does not depend on my options and features of my laptop so programmed algorithms A.I. A bug, because on any map, which generally can be defeated, the bot must try to win.
Watched 3 times passivity A.I. (level - the master, the characters are different), on my map
Here is a video - 70 minutes have passed, A.I. never had digged in the territory of the Empire.
War for the Overworld Launcher Log.txt
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Známka spokojenosti od Галиев Рустем Před 9 roků
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It's a known fact that the AI is a outdated (doesn't use all the tech available in the game) and the behaviour you're looking for/expecting here isn't programmed into the AI yet. With that in mind, there isn't actually a bug here as the AI is working as (currently) intended. An overhaul/update for the AI has been planned as a future major milestone patch (1.5) so i'll have to decline this ticket for now.
On an off topic note; If you put as much effort into making "proper" maps as you did into making gimmick maps, you'd probably be one of the people getting their maps showcased, you clearly have talent at map design so it's a shame you just seem to insist on using it in odd/weird ways that don't work out the way you want.