Unable to start game, crashing directly after splashscreen

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  • Completed - Resolved

Fresh install, finally wanted to get around to playing this game but it's crashing right after the splashscreen appears (no error message or notification, the process just ends). I've followed troubleshooting guides but haven't had any luck. I've attached my logs (there is no zip file). output_log.txt

Game Version:
Steam Public
10th-Gen Mobile Intel CPU - Splash Screen Crash

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Оценка удовлетворенности от Grant 3 года назад

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Hey Lee,

Apologies for the delay, life just became busier! I've upgraded to an eGPU (ROG Station XG 2 & RTX 2070) so wanted to try again but am still having the same issue - just wanted to let you know in case it helps!

I don't really feel comfortable disabling the display adaptor I'm afraid as I haven't had issues with anything else and don't want to rock the boat.

Just checked and still no launcher or output logs present in the expected places.


Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted

Hi Grant,

Apologies that I didn't get back to you! I was sure that I did but as usual it has been madness here so perhaps I never clicked the post button!

Thanks for keeping us informed, I hadn't considered rolling out an eGPU and it's a shame that it yielded no improvements. On our side we've yet to have opportunity to investigate further as I mentioned previously our code team are all occupied on our main project. I have kept them informed on developments from users and so I am continuing to compile further updates and reports for when we can get another spin on WFTO.

Sorry once more that there's no positive news I can share on this.


Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Hey Grant,

I hope you have been keeping well. I wanted to drop in a message as another user has recently reported a similar issue with the same hardware profile. Interestingly this user was able to reach the game on the affected system while it was in Airplane mode. I've yet to confirm this works for other affected users so I thought you might like to give it a go. It's truly a peculiar one as we wouldn't have anticipated a networking issue.

Here's a few steps you can try:

  1. Try launching the game while Steam is in offline mode, on the off-chance it's a steam authentication issue.
  2. If your laptop has an airplane mode try enabling this and launching the game
  3. Try disabling the the network adapter via Windows. First in the networking adapter menu and if that doesn't work then via the device manager. Instructions.

Let us know if any of these work!



Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Next Patch

Hi Grant,

I'm pleased to report that the upcoming Patch 2.0.8 should resolve this issue entirely. It's not yet on the default Steam branch but is available as a beta. How to: Access the Debug Branch on Steam.




Hey Lee,

Thanks for not forgetting about me! I haven't had time to properly plan it yet, but I just wanted to confirm that I was indeed able to get to the title screen, so it looks like I'm good to go :) Out of interest, what was causing the issue?


Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Hi Grant,

Just noticed the reply on this. It seems our suspicions were confirmed and that it was something in the underlying engine. At first we suspected middleware that we were using but in our tests we confirmed that a blank unity project in the engine version we used on an affected machine would also crash. This lead us to spend some time working to update the unity engine version in the game. It's by no means modern but it's at least a year more recent.

So whatever was causing the issue was obviously fixed by Unity. If I had to guess I'd imagine something they were doing was triggering a new security protocol on the new Intels and just causing them to kill the process. But that's just speculation, we don't really have a clue what happens in the black box of the engine sometimes.



Hey Lee,

Interesting, interesting, appreciate the debrief and looking forward to finally diving into the game when I get the chance!


Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved