Captured creatures stuck at Prison corner
As you can see on the picture below enemy creatures are stuck in my Prison. I was playing 2.0 custom map and after having seen for a third time on different map I've decided to open this ticket. I had to manually pick up and drop these creatures again to the Prison to "unstuck" them.
It seems like they're trying to walk to their lairs (at least it seems they're facing their lairs), but they cannot because of imprisonment. What could empower this statement is that bug doesn't apply to white player heroes and when imprisoned owner Dungeon Core is destroyed.
Win 10 Pro 64bit, Radeon 7800 HD, 8GB RAM, Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450, low graphic settings
WftO v.2.0.7, all DLCs
Hi Sebt,
Sorry to hear you've encountered this issue, it's the first time I've seen a report of this issue.
I wonder if you could chuck us across a save file (How to: Locate your save files) where this problem is occurring and also let us know which maps you were experiencing this on? In there a particular set of circumstances you created to make this happen or is it just generally happening on all levels?