Only audio then game crashes
Platform: Windows
Version: Steam Public
Ram: 8GB DDR3
CPU: i5-4670K @ 3.4GHz
GPU: GeForce GTX 770
I try and load the game and the splash screen comes up then ~30s later, the audio starts "Welcome back underlord" with no video.
I managed to play this on my TV previously though since changing to my computer monitor, it does not work. It has happened a number of times since trying to boot the game.
The following bug fix does not seem to work: "Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI [Fixed in v2.0]"
"Verify Integrity of Game Files..." shows "1 file failed to validate and will be reaquired." after each time if fails.
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Satisfaction mark by dsoutter 5 years ago
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Hey dsoutter,
Can you please try to change your monitor scaling mode to "No Scaling". Please do this for every monitor on your computer.