Mighty Script: Triggers not being deleted
I found out there is an error, in which the editor doesn't correctly delete my triggers and still uses them (I deleted them in the mighty script, but on "publish and test" it still uses them ingame). I put the file in the attachment. Go to god mode, create some units near the final Hero Gate and attack the Heroes & Gate. Normally it should end the game if you kill the Lord of the Land. But somehow it uses old triggers that print console messages and ends the game if you hurt one of them or the gate. The triggers were already deleted in the mighty script. Still ingame they trigger. At least when I "Publish and Test", even after closing the editor and reload.
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EDIT: I found out there is an error, in which the editor doesn't correctly delete my triggers and still uses them (I deleted them in the mighty script, but on "publish and test" it still uses them ingame). I put the file in the attachment. Go to god mode, create some units near the final Hero Gate and attack the Heroes & Gate. Normally it should end the game if you kill the Lord of the Land. But somehow it uses old triggers that print console messages and ends the game if you hurt one of them or the gate. The triggers were already deleted in the mighty script. Still ingame they trigger. At least when I "Publish and Test", even after closing the editor and reload. step by step_edit_191104193258284638.meta
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