Clicking on "Custom campaigns" causes the game to hang.
Windows 10 64 bit, 8 Gm RAM, Intel(R) Core(TM) I7-4500 CPU1.80 GHz 2.40GHz GPU: AMD Radeon R7 M265, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family. Version game: V2.0.6f2
I started playing. Went to the "campaigns"section. Clicked on "custom campaigns". The game froze. That is, the game does not react to anything, does not open the list of user campaigns downloaded by me, and in General the picture in the game does not change.
It doesn't matter how long. In the task Manager indicates that the application "not responding" (see the screenshot above). This was repeated 2 times in a row, I have to kill the game process through the Windows task Manager.
User campaigns are not available to me now, because of this error.
We're aware of this issue and it is already logged internally to go through our backlog. Essentially it loads the metadata every level of every campaign as soon as you click that. Which can obviously be more optimal and we'll definitely be investigating it.