The game crashes on start
I've just bought the game. Unfortunately it crashes on start.
Game version 2.0.6F1 Ultimate Edition
Steps to reproduce:
- Run the game from GOG Galaxy
- I see the logo, then a loading screen with a progress bar and an art drawing on the background
- The game crashes on 40% of loading progress
notebook ASUS N551JM
Intel Core i7-4710HQ
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M (driver version 417.35)
Windows 10 x64
I tried:
- Installing the latest graphics drivers then rebooting the system
- Updating OS Windows
- Repairing the game
- Reinstalling the game
Output.log: output_log.txt
Crash data:
Please fix the issue asap. I don't want to refund the game and wait another half of the year for the next discount :-(
You can contact me by email.
Thank you.
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