Mighty Script - Print Random Number with In Game Message shows always "null"

  • actualizado
  • Completed - Resolved

Create a new number (integer).

Create a script that generates a random number on the previous created integer. 

Print the integer now to the player's screen (e.g. with a "Show Ingame Message" and as content you select the integer).

Export and Quicktest the map.

Ingame Message shows always "null" - no matter how often you fire the script and generate numbers.

Game Version:
GOG Galaxy

¿Cómo calificaría el servicio al cliente que recibió?

Puntuación de satisfacción por SeriousToni hace 5 años

Añadir un Comentario sobre la calidad del soporte que recibió (opcional):

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar

How were you displaying the Number?

You usually need to display it as something like "Your number is [0]" with the [0] getting replaced by the actual Number variable.