In-game crashes after trouble-shooting tips
WFTO 7-7-18 crash
WFTO 7-10-18 crash
WFTO 7-9-18 crash
Have verified integrity of files through Properties and game has applied most recent 2.0.1/2.0.2/2.0.3 updates, but none of these fixes will let me progress easily or save any of my Goldrust progress without closing both WFTO & occasionally Steam. I just found my crash report files this evening and I hope that I submit them ok and you can help me out. But it's really starting to frustrate me that I can play without too much lag, but I can't save any of my progress! :(
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Tilfredshedsangivelse af trinket_16 6 år siden
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Assumed fixed due to lack of response, will reopen if issue persists