steam version of war for the overworld runs on integrated gpu

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  • atnaujinta
  • Completed - Resolved
as steam does not support dedicated laptop gpus, the game needs code to switch gpu during startup which it does not have. please add that code so that the game can run on my dedicated gpu. 
Game Version:

Kaip įvertintumėte Jums suteiktas klientų aptarnavimo paslaugas?

Pasitenkinimo žymė pagal andreasaspenberg prieš 6 metų

i have already tried that solution but steam overrides it. it does that for all games not programmed to switch gpu.

Pridėkite komentarą dėl jums suteiktos pagalbos kokybės (neprivaloma):

  • Pending Customer

I've never heard of Steam overriding this setting, many many users have successfully followed these steps in the past.

Can you please send us a screenshot of your GPU settings so that we can verify? 

What is making you think that it is not on the dedicated GPU? 

Can you also send us your system specs?

  • Baigta

Hey andreas,

Please follow this guide: How to: Force Dedicated GPU