steam version of war for the overworld runs on integrated gpu

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as steam does not support dedicated laptop gpus, the game needs code to switch gpu during startup which it does not have. please add that code so that the game can run on my dedicated gpu. 
Game Version:

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Tyytyväisyysmerkin antoi andreasaspenberg 6 vuodet sitten

i have already tried that solution but steam overrides it. it does that for all games not programmed to switch gpu.

Lisää kommentti asiakastuen laadusta (valinnainen):


i have already done the configuration the nvidia control panel.


the 2015 ones will not install on my system for some reason. that issue is also preventing me from running final fantasy 15. check the steam post for error log.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Really useful, thanks!

Can you confirm if you also have WFTO.exe in your Nvidia Control Panel programs list? The provided screenshot only shows WFTOGame.exe.

If not then you can add WFTO.exe by doing the following.

1. Click add next to the program list

2. On the second screen click browse

3.Navigate to your WFTO Folder (For you this would probably be "C:\Program Files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\War For The Overworld")

4. Select WFTO.exe and click open

Once that's added make sure it's assigned to the High Performance Nvidia Card as well.

In addition my colleague Cian has identified an issue in your Output Log which also needs resolving he'll assist you with that.




Please double check that you have C++ redist 2010,2012,2013,2015. 2015 is the most important one. You can see which ones are installed in Control Panel -> Programs and Features.  You will find all installed Visual C++ Redistributable in your system.

If you are missing any then please go to the "_CommonRedist/vcredist" folder in the game's install directory and install the missing versions.


it does prove that the integrated gpu is used to run the game. if you want a closer look at it, please check the steam post.


Can you post an output log:

Posting Output Logs

In addition, a log is created by the game every time you play. Posting this will help resolve some issues. 

Please note that this file is wiped every time the game launches, so ensure the bug you are reporting happened during your last play session. 

The location of the log can be found in the following location based on OS:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\War For The Overworld\WFTOGame_Data\output_log.txt




~/.config/unity3d/Subterranean Games/War For The Overworld/


wether i click on quit or ignore does not matter as the game goes through with it and tries to run on the integrated gpu anyway. i will post the other screen shot soon.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
Quote from Lee "Noontide" Moon

Thanks for the Dxdiag output, we'll review it as soon as we can, though we're starting to close up for the day and we'll be able to review tomorrow.

There shouldn't be a need to take a screenshot from within the game, though it certainly shouldn't crash if you take a screenshot. :O

I noticed the screenshot you sent to us though on Steam though, was this the screenshot you were trying to get? 

From what I can see this is a message we've had around for a while to detect an issue related to this. What happens when you click ignore on this message?

Can you provide the requested screenshots from your Nvidia control panel?

If we can get all that we'll probably be in a good position to offer some advice tomorrow morning.



Uploading files here for our records DxDiag2.txt screen shot.jpg

screen shot 2.jpg output_log (59).txt

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Thanks for the Dxdiag output, we'll review it as soon as we can, though we're starting to close up for the day and we'll be able to review tomorrow.

There shouldn't be a need to take a screenshot from within the game, though it certainly shouldn't crash if you take a screenshot. :O

I noticed the screenshot you sent to us though on Steam though, was this the screenshot you were trying to get? 

From what I can see this is a message we've had around for a while to detect an issue related to this. What happens when you click ignore on this message?

Can you provide the requested screenshots from your Nvidia control panel?

If we can get all that we'll probably be in a good position to offer some advice tomorrow morning.




i posted a dxdiag link in my steam topic but when i tried to create a screen shot the game crashed my system.