Update Loop (*jp.otf corrupt/missing files)
Hi again,
I have an issue with a game update stuck in a loop for War for the Overworld.
Perhaps related to: https://brightrockgames.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/4052-the-game-will-no-longer-runmissing-file (the 1 file that is missing/unreadable that cannot be reacquired).
This has been happening since the latest patch update (since this morning, 0800 BST).
The 1.8gb of data is downloaded, after this - it will install, then validate, then install, then validate, then install, then validate and will not ever complete.
There is only disk activity shown, no download. It is lagging my machine a little despite being on a different drive to my work and system software.
Game validation returns 100% from Steam library.
Found a quick way to determine the "corrupt/missing" files - to click "play game" and "launch when ready" - it has a pop-up window that says:
An error occourred whie updating War for the Overworld (corrupt content files) :
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\War For The Overworld\WFTOGame_Data\uiresources\wftoUI\common\fonts\NotoSerifCJKjp.otf
So - it appears a japanese open-type font file is corrupt.
However, the otf file does not exist in that directory...There are no other language files present in this directory.
Renaming the \Fonts folder to \Fonts1 appears to have forced the update to redownload the 1.8gb and hopefully this will result in normal install and validation of files once complete.
If this does not work - will escalate to Brightrock bugtracker.
While the update was successfully redownloaded and installed, it has returned to the install/validate loop - the error with the same non-existent file.
Game file validation, again, suggests 100% fine.
∴ requring escalation to UserEcho.
Have paused update until solution - appears non-required/missing file is in some validation table but not included in steam validation, perhaps.
May be more simple to ensure that all localisation files are included in download than to fix CRC.
// sighs.
I will attempt to locate the missing file and place it in the UI/Fonts directory.
(seven files at 2mb+ !! All other fonts are ~200kb .ttf/.[w]off/.svg - no .ttf)
/* I did notice that the entire Fonts directory was empty after the redownload and reinstall, after forcing this.
Have copied backup contents and entire font family of Notoserif, renaming a copy of "regular" as the missing file */
// Doing this has forced another redownload of the 1.8gb update.