Exporting maps to steam workshop doesnt work in 2.0f9

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I tried to export a map to the steam workshop (in 2.0f9) (Nutter and I already discussed that on the discord #map-design 16:52 CEST 26/4/18)

If i try to publish it on steam it seems to work at first

Image 5517

but then shows an error message a while after clicking "OK".

Image 5518

In the workshop it then looks like on

Image 5519


Image 5520

Output log: output_log.txt

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Satisfaction mark by Hiding Korvek 6.0 anni fà

The support is super nice and seems to really care for the customers/tries to solve problems instead of telling you "we cant help you with that". Feels great :)

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Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer


You may need to make sure that you've accepted the Steam Workshop agreement before you can publish. You can do this at this link here: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/workshoplegalagreement/