Minimap disappears

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Whilst playing the Undergames today and yesterday, some way into the game (after 2 hours the first campaign map, and 40 minutes on the second), the minimap goes entirely blank - just showing Fog of war, despite having been populated normally.

At first I thought this was some fiendish new detail in the campaign, but if I save a game, quit WFTO and reload it - the map returns, so I'm filing it as a bug instead...

Game Version:
Steam Public

¿Cómo calificaría el servicio al cliente que recibió?

Puntuación de satisfacción por Simon Avery hace 7 años

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Hey Simon,

This is actually a known bug with a pending fix on the way. In the mean time please just pause and unpause the game, that will fix the minimap

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved