Unable to change themes for other 'players' in custom maps, it seems to default to random regardless of what is chosen when testing.
满意度评分用户: Tombot 7 年 前
满意度评分用户: Tombot 7 年 前
This should help : How to: Locate your save files
Just send whatever you have, it doesnt need to be a final map.
Here you are, fleshcraft was my work in progress pet dungeon map and the latter is the map I made to test the factions.
faction experience_edit_76561197979993116.metafleshcraft_20180421210010.metafaction experience_20180621205526fleshcraft_edit_76561197979993116.metafaction experience_20180621205526.metafleshcraft_20180421210010fleshcraft_edit_76561197979993116faction experience_edit_76561197979993116faction experience_20180621205526fleshcraft_20180421210010fleshcraft_edit_76561197979993116
In fleshcraft the main player is whoever and the other two are Volter and that crazy haunted house guy I can't remember the name of, I don't think I put the latter in yet.
Well I'm only doing testing at the moment, I don't really have a finished map I want to change. I was planning a campaign called better dungeons and gardens where I give a tour of all of the different underlord designs.
(Also, I don't actually know where these files are stored. Its not in the main folder and its not in 'my games' either).