Black screen on launch

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  • Completed - Resolved

Core information:

OS: Windows

Version: 7

64 Bit

Ram: 4.00 GB

CPU: Intel core i5 CPU @2.27 Gh

GPU: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470

WFTO Build: 2.0

Launched War for the overworld via Stream, Screen got stuck at black screen for 5 minutes. Killed it. Verified integrity of game files, launched game. Was stuck on black screen for 15 minutes, killed it. Restarted computer, launched game, waited 20 minutes, was stuck on black screen for that duration. Ended the process. Launched game, opened task manager and set the game to 'High priority'. Left room, waited 20 minutes and came back to the black screen, ended process.


Additional notes: I saw other problematic black screen bug reports, but those being before 2.0 came out reasoned with me, that I should post a new bug report. I hope you all don't mind this new one.

Game Version:
Steam Public

I thought my GPU was already updated to the latest driver, but I went ahead and went to the AMD website and messed my computer up by downloading the wrong driver. Then I tried it again and my computer black screened on me upon start up. So I had to go into safe mode and do a system restore. Attempted to update drives once more, got black screen upon boot up and had to system restore.

When I left clicked on my desktop to go to AMD Catalyst Control Center, I could not find  "Power" -> "Switchable Graphics".

I added "-force-d3d9" to the launch options to the game and it worked! Horray! Thank you so much! It said that was for advanced users only. Does…does this mean I’m an advanced user now?

Joking aside, you got it to work. Thank you.

  • Completed - Resolved

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Access is granted by having a totally broken copy of the game ;)

Let us know if you have any further issues