New UI GPU performance

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  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

Just updated to 2.0 and the new main menu aswell as the sin menu completely tank performance. FPS are in the low 30s when it was around 100 before. Once in game performance normalizes, unless the aspect unlock menu is opened, in which case performance abruptly degrades again until it is closed.

According to the taskmanager, the "GPU Copy" raises sharply towards the 80% mark while either of the offending menus are opened and returns back to zero as soon as they're closed.


Radeon R9 390X (current driver, fresh install)

16gb 2400mhz

Edit: Normal pause menu while in game behaves normally.

Edit 2: Here's the output_log.txt

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Steam Public

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Duplicates 1
Poor Performance on Linux After 2.0 Update



I reinstalled the game from Steam with the 2.0 update and the latest DLC. I am experience very low framerates (10-20 fps) ingame with very low CPU use and very low GPU utilization. This is a new problem, as I've completed all the existing DLC campaigns just fine on the same machine. Cpu use pops between cores, but overall stays in the neighborhood of a %10-%25 increase from idle rather than the larger increase of prior versions. GPU utulization does not go above %15.

  • Completed - Resolved

Unfortunately this isn't something that we can pour anymore time into, the root cause is an issue with our UI framework when rendering large windows