My Pet Dungeon - Score not increasing after saving

  • Views 8,373
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  • Completed - Resolved


Image 4529

As you can see from the screenshot, the score has got to 106874. It has now got stuck. No matter what I do it does not increase. I had finished getting 75000 before I tried liberating Baron Von Pukemuch. When I had released him, the reward points were not added on and the task still shows as unfinished. The move onto next level appears, but does not show at the bottom.

I had saved the game after 75000 points. It loaded back in fine, but as I say, the task did not register when I released him and the score went up as far as on screen.

Hope I have provided the info you need. If I am missing anything, just ask and I will send or answer via here.

On a separate note - A BIG Thanks for making such a great game.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Satisfaction mark by Battyman 7 years ago

Thanks for all the help. All the best to you and the team for now and the future.

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  • Under Review

Hey Battyman,

I'll look at the save file and see if I can determine a cause 

  • Accepted
[Dev] Nanorock
  • Started
Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Completed - Next Patch
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved