Game plays and is fun for about 10 minutes then completely crashes.

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The game opens fine.  i can start either my pet dungeon or the campaign  The game will run well for as Little as 2 minutes and as much as 15.  In several cases i had to do a hard shutdown on the machine to move past the crash.  Ctrl-Alt_delete would not affect the freeze

Game Version:
Steam Public
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer

Hi Matthew,

Sorry to hear about the fact that the game is crashing for you. We'd love to help investigate. 

Can you please have a read of How to: Submit a Bug Ticket and submit as much information as possible to us. In particular we'd be very interested in your system specs and an output_log from a session where the game crashed.

Just so you're aware as well we are currently on holiday until the 8th of January for the festive period so responses will often be delayed.

Hope we can help,


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