Purchased DLC lists as purchasable

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  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

Hi Brightrock :-)

First of all, thank you for War for the Overworld. I love that game to [unholy] Heart!
I have a minor issue with the DLC I have purchased. I think it is purely a visual thing, as I am 99% sure that I have purchased every single piece of DLC you guys have added--and if not, I will asap!
The minor issue I have is, that I bought all the 4 seasonal worker skin dlc's seperately, but I can still purchase the combined package on Steam. It even says complete your collection with 1 of 2 on there.
The other similar thing is, that I am 99% certain that I purchased the Tier 3 charity & cynical bundle, although it lists it as not in my library, and I can still add it to the cart and purchase it for myself. Again, I am almost sure it is purely something visual, as I seem to have all of the dlc in-game. It just bugs me a bit, and poke at my gaming OCD :-D. I hope you guys can fix this for me, thanks!

Game Version:
Steam Public
Duplicates 1
Purchased DLC showing as Purchasable

Hi Brightrock :-)

First of all, thank you for War for the Overworld. I love that game to [unholy] Heart! I have a minor issue with the DLC I have purchased. I think it is purely a visual thing, as I am 99% sure that I have purchased every single piece of DLC you guys have added--and if not, I will asap! The minor issue I have is, that I bought all the 4 seasonal worker skin dlc's seperately, but I can still purchase the combined package on Steam. It even says complete your collection with 1 of 2 on there. The other similar thing is, that I am 99% certain that I purchased the Tier 3 charity & cynical bundle, although it lists it as not in my library, and I can still add it to the cart and purchase it for myself. Again, I am almost sure it is purely something visual, as I seem to have all of the dlc in-game. It just bugs me a bit, and poke at my gaming OCD :-D. I hope you guys can fix this for me, thanks!

My steam name is Nicko or NickolajH.

  • Under Review

Hey Scrancher,

I'll pass this over to the guy who handles our steam page as I'm not too familiar with it and will let you know what we find. I can't guarantee that anything will be done due to the magic of Steam.

I'm glad that you're able to act out your darkest desires in a safe and accepting environment, stop looking at steam and get back to slapping!


Hi Cian.

Thank you for replying back to me! I know, I know. The hand of evil is twitching to get back into slapping once more >:-D. It's just the damned gaming ocd that bugs me. And also, the way I can see some dlc's as purchased, some seemingly not (although I am 99% sure I have bought them at some point)--confuses me. I wanna own every single drop of black oozing blood this labor of love of yours have to offer!!!

  • Pending Customer

What DLC do you have and what do you think may be missing?


I want to state once again, that I do think that I have it all, but some of the items isn't listed as 'In Library' on Steam.

Items Installed: WFTO Anniversary Update. Bunny, Aloha, Jack'o and Santa worker skins. My Pet Dungeon. Underlord Edition. Arcane Theme. Crucible. Heart of Gold.
When I go to the DLC store page, the following says In Library: My Pet Dungeon Expansion. Crucible Expansion. Heart Of Gold Expansion. Underlord Edition Upgrade.

The Seasonal Worker Skins Pack isn't listed as in library, even though it is listed in my installed dlc's. Moreover, I can even add the collection to the cart, and purchase it for myself.

The Cynical Imp Charity DLC is not listed as in library, but when I go that dlc's page, it says: 'is already in your steam library'. However, I can put any of the 3 tiers in the cart and purchase for myself. I am 99% sure I purchased the highest tier (3).

It's just a bit confusing, and makes me wonder if there is any dlc I have missed?
I just love when going to any games' dlc page, to see that all of the dlc is in the steam library :)


The Seasonal Worker Skins is a pack so you should have 4 dlc's which I can see in your list;  Bunny, Aloha, Jack'o and Santa worker skins.

The cynical imp is a bit strange. If you bought the top tier then you should have it all

Our Steam guy is away for a few days but he may be able to tweak this when hes back


Alright, great! So it appears to be just some visual thing, as I had hoped and expected :). It might just be me, and I might just be weird, but I just always love to see that everything in any game I love's DLC store page is marked as 'In Library', hehe.
If it isn't too much of a hassle, I am sure the tweaking part would make others than just me happy.
Thanks Cian!

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved

I'm marking this as complete as it appears it got lost in a vortex and was never marked as such. Please let us know if you require further support :)