Startup crash during splash screen (Win 10)
I've just purchased on Steam, and the game splash screen loading bar gets to approximately 75% before it crashes.
I'm running Windows 10 pro 64-bit with 32gb RAM, i5-3570 (stock) & GTX 650, with 10gb free on the system/steam SSD.
I'm running all OS updates, including latest Nvidia drivers. I've verified the datastore, disabled all DLCs, and reinstalled the game through Steam. I also confirmed the system audio preferences are through the onboard speaker output only with no USB/headset devices installed, and have dropped the audio rate from 96khz/24-bit to 44.1khz/16-bit.
See attached error.log, output_log.txt & crash.dmp
My firewall had defaulted to blocking WFTO and reversing this fixes the issue, though a bit harsh that causes a crashdump.