Missing Menu Issue

  • Views 7 942
  • updated
  • Not Fixable


I have read the forums and have updated everything through the HP website, on the list, and am still having the issue of no menu on the main screen (will describe below). I will do my best to provide the info requested and describe my situation.


System: Windows 7. I am including screen caps of the specs for this unit.

Image 3742

Image 3743


When loading the game, it takes quite some time for anything to happen other than a black screen. At some point the pointer changes to a hand and I find myself next to the dungeon heart. Clicking on anything either does nothing or transports me to another room where I can do nothing to get out of the room... clicking does not work on anything in the room, computer keys do not trigger anything, there is nothing to click on, etc.

I have read through the online forums and followed the instructions in the list provided on this topic. One thing I am not able to do, it to open the AMD program and choose the power option as listed. There is nothing I can chose from like this.

Image 3744

This is what my AMD screen looks like

Image 3745

Please let me know if there is anything further I can provide to help figure out how to fix the issue.

Other info: Purchased the game through GOG. I have the patch as well. I tried running it with the patch 1st, and then uninstalled everything and then tried it without the patch and same issue so I suspect it may have nothing to do with the patch and is solely a graphics issue.

Best Wishes,


Game Version:

I have tried everything and no luck. Will wait and see if anything surfaces in next few days. Thank you for your help.


I honestly have no idea what the issue is there, personally I use Nvidia hardware. 

Can you try to change your laptop power setting to "High Performance"



I got into the preferences tab, but when I click the Additional Settings tabs I get the following message:

Not sure what this means... If the Catalyst Control Center is running, why would it say it cannot be started?


Hey bt132,

PLease try to go to Radeon Settings > Preferences > Additional Settings > CCC Slim > Power > Switchable Graphics Application Settings. From this menu you can manually add applications to High Performance mode so they will use the Radeon GPU.



I was able to add the game but when I access it, I get the following screen and have no idea where to go from there.

I am guessing somewhere within these settings lies the answer but not sure.

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
  • Pending Customer


Bear with me here, because i'm trying to remember from my own AMD control panel (on my old laptop) but if I remember right, one of the buttons (gaming I think) takes you to a screen that lists all of the games installed on the system (that AMD can tweak settings for anyway) and that's where you can set which graphics card is used, etc.

Can you give that a try and see if you can find it?

I'd also suggest trying Solution #2 from that article (as that usually has a better chance of fixing the issue than Solution 1)

Let me know how you get on, hopefully it'll solve it, but if not we'll try and assist further.