Lvl 13 Freezing crash while attacking east laying smith
As i played Map 13 now 3 times and every time i attacked the smith in the east my game freeze and no input is any more possible, have to stop the game over the task manager
in steam Noontide ask me for some crash logs, but there is nothing :(
[quote=Noontide;1470841715933374375][quote=Martinowitsch;1470841715933369085]in Lvl 13 every time i attack the east laying smith my game crashes, sometimes when i beginn the attack, some other times when im allready finished and try to bring my troops home [/quote]
We had one other report of this on our forums earlier this week. When we tested ourselves we couldn't replicate but more confusing is that neither could the person affected and thus we couldn't get a solid report on it.
If you can get a solid, consistent report and an output log from the game when this occurs then we'd love to look into it check out [url=]our bugtracker[/url] to log a full report with us. [/quote]
[quote=Noontide;1470841715933456797][quote=Martinowitsch;1470841715933408974]Thats strange i have looked in this folder \Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\War For The Overworld\ but there is no crash log
its an freezing crash, where the game stops working and i only can stop the game over the task master
what i found is an output log, but no timestamp files [/quote]
Chuck us through a report regardless and our QA Analyst will be able to help you. Just let him know what's happening and that you had a quick chat with me here :) [/quote]
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if you want i could give you the output log from 29.07.2017
thats the last time i tryed to play