Impossible to start standard Campaign

  • Views 6,601
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

I just bought the bundle game pack from steam, but I can only start the Heart of Gold campaign, not the original one. It is not letting me click beyond the "select campign" step. I tried resetting the campaign progress (even if this was the first time ever I started the game), to no avail. What should I do?

Game Version:
Steam Public

Ok I found out! I had to click on the left side of the map. Completely not intuitive. Also, I don't know how to close this bug :-)

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer

Hi Federico,

Quickly dropping in as I'm out of office.

Sorry to hear you're having issues. Just to confirm you're not on OS X are you? If so then you're likely suffering from OS X Cannot Start Campaign (v1.5.0+).

If that's not the case then can you describe exactly what is happening when you click to select the campaign? Do you see the campaign map presented in front of you?



Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved

Ah I see, yes it can be difficult to locate at first, the map area you're to click should always be highlighted. I'll close the ticket for you :)