tooltip at hand of evil during room zoning to small for high resolutions (2160p)

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  • Completed - Resolved

Everytime I am zoning larger room footprints I have to count the tiles for X and Y, because the tooltip at the hand of evil displaying estimated room size and estimated gold cost is to small. Everything else is scaled properly but only this tooltip texts at the hand of evil is to tiny at 3840x2160.

HUD Scale: 100%

Unit + Defence Shield Scale: 200%

The HUD scale doesn't seem to have any influence and I haven't found any other option that would fit to set the text size at the hand of evil. Every other text (narration text, UI, ...) is displayed properly scaled. Please correct with an upcoming patch because it's unreadable in the mentioned situation with 4K.

Game Version:
Steam Public
  • Accepted

Hey Puh,

We will look into this as well again when we start work on the next big update. Again, thanks for the report. It should be a simple fix.


Same issue applies to larger resolutions. I'm using iMac 5k display at 5120 x 2880. I actually can't see the content by the cursor at all, it's so small.

However, you guys have made this game very 5k compliant, unlike most other games I've played so far. This is the only issue I have with 5k compatibility, so well done.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Started
  • Completed - Next Patch
  • Completed - Resolved