Black screen on startup Win7 (GOG)
First time installed on this computer.
After the splash screen a black screen appears. The gog galaxy overlay works just fine but the game itself is a non-responsive black screen.
I could not find any crash reports/logs.
This is all i could find:
War for the Overworld Launcher Log.txt
I tried the solutions from :
(even setting the compatibility to win7... redundant i know... but i tried just to be safe)
nothing helped.
Game Version:
GOG Galaxy
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Satisfaction mark by zanetano 8 years ago
quick, detailed and honest reply.Very happy with service.
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Hey zanetano,
As you're on a laptop I would recommend following our Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI support guide.
However, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I've just had a closer look at your GPU and it looks like it falls far below minimum spec. As you can see here your GPU scores on average 651 points on the PassMark benchmark.
Unfortunately War For the Overworld requires a minimum score of 1500 on the PassMark benchmark to run the game, as stated in our System Requirements. There's nothing we can really do to fix it other than recommending that you attempt to run in the absolute lowest video settings once/if you can load the game successfully. I hope that you can fix some way to enjoy the game, or an alternative machine to play on.
Sorry again that you are unable to play.