Translate. Not all keys are present in the Template files.

  • Views 9,076
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

In this topic there are available keys for translation.

But the GameText.csv file from the game contains keys not present in the topic files.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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This file contains the difference keys between the GameText.csv file from the game and the translation template files from the translation topic.

  • Completed - Resolved

Hey Александр,

As far as I know the last instance of a listed key will always be used, so if you want to use these keys you can just add them to the bottom of your csv file the same way the other keys are.

Most of these are not used at the moment but feel free to translate them now so they are ready for release. If you are missing the original text for any of these keys let me know and I'll see if it's been written yet.

I'll talk to our writer and see if we can include these in the future.