Game Crashing While Playing
My game crashes while playing at varying times. Lately I have been replaying the HoG mission 1. It seems to happen whenever I am doing multiple things at once. It says something about my graphic driver failing and then recovering. This used to happen a lot when I first bought the game but stopped and now seems to be back with HoG. It told me to provide the logs, and I will include them below.
crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt
crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt
crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt
I run Windows 10 and SLI GeForce GTX 760's
Driver version 381.89 Intel Core i5-3570K Cpu @ 3.4GHz
15.95 GB RAM
1920 x 1080, 60HZ
saved file info:
wftohomerealm_autosave dlc1_campaign_level1_name_20170409003435 dlc1_campaign_level1_name_20170409003435.meta
Thank you for looking into this issue. I appreciate any help!
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Známka spokojenosti od Mischevious Panda Před 8 roků
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Hey Mischevious Panda,
I'm going to assume that this is no longer an issue, post back if this is not the case.