NRE Crash Freeze during Level 7

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  • Completed - Resolved

During Level 7, getting repeated freeze crash (game becomes unresponsive and I have to force close it).

Logs show NRE (Null Reference Exception). Loading from save file results in regular crashing but not at a specific point.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Hey Cian how do I just skip this level? I bought the game over 2 years ago, it's sat unplayed due to the lack of finish and content, and when I finally had time to pick it up again I'm now being held hostage in the campaign due to bugs. I can't keep waiting 2+ day patch cycle times just to know if I can get past the level. How do I bypass this?

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Reopening this ticket as the customer's issue has not been resolved. Really wouldn't expect the kind of issue you're running into to be occuring on your PC and as far as I know this appears to be isolated to you so far.

Unfortunately as we're now hitting the weekend It's unlikely that we'll be able to look into this further until next week. Of course I absolutely realise that you want to progress past this level and get on with the game so I'm going to email you further instructions so we can get you back into the campaign ASAP!


Used workaround provided by Lee. It unlocked ALL campaign levels, and I only wanted to unlock the one I was stuck on, so I reset my progress and ended up playing through all of them again. I figured I would try and just use a gold cheat or something on level 7 and hope that I could beat it before it freezes.

Ended up not using any cheat \ debug, and strangely, it did not freeze this time. Not sure what the difference was... wondering if something in the campaign progress was persisting the problem, and once cleared, resolved? Not sure.


That is incredibly strange, keep us posted on any further issues you may have


Just finished the Heart of Gold campaign, after finishing the original. Not a single freeze since I reset the campaign and played through it again. I still suspect it's a repeatable issue on Level 7, but must require some conditions that I was unable to repro after reset.

Thus, I believe you can close this again. Thanks for the help and the great game.

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
  • Completed - Resolved