Almost certain crash when completing a mission

  • Views 14.026
  • güncellendi
  • Completed - Resolved

Hey Brightrock Games,

I recently started playing WftO again, since I never completed the campaign... (shame on me!) But it happens often that when I finish a campaign-mission the screen closes to black (like it should, sliding shut from bottom and top) and normally the statistics of the game appear and the new minions/stuff and such, but with me it (almost always) crashes before the statistics-page appears! When I load WftO again I can continue the campaign after the mission where it crashed, so my progress isn't lost, but it's pretty annoying. I also miss the new stuff-info and such, where I like to scroll trough! So now I generally save the game before I win and reload it, so I can read it all. When winning it the second time it goes without problem. But it almost always happens again with the next mission.

I also get an warning message that my PC is running out of memory and that applications are best shut down to prevent loss of information... But I have 12GB of RAM!

I also notice that when the game crashes that my Firefox also has pages that crashed and need to be reloaded. I will try to run the game without Firefox in the background, but this is not something that should happen.

  • Windows 10 64bit
  • 12GB DDR3-1600
  • Intel Core i5 2500K
  • MSI 8GB D5 GTX 1070 ARMOR 8G OC
  • Gamebuild: 1.5.2.f4



Thanks for looking into this!

Kind regards,

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Quote from anonymous

Lets leave it pending, I'm interested to know if it will work. Let us know Kwintus!

He asked me on discord to set it as complete... but fine, leave it as pending if you want..


Well, I did the last level of the heart of gold campaign without any problems :) (crash-wise, that is) So I can assume that it's fixed! I em also playing pet dungeon now, without problems, but I guess those levels are less taxing than the campaign-missions.


Played about 2 hours in level 7 of my pet dungeon and i got a warning for memory again... now i tried to save and it crashed again... and because it crashed while trying to save, the save is also gone... so i can restart completely. :(

Sigh, 2 hours of work lost... :( I have 16GB of the latest RAM now, how the fuck can this happen.




Saving is incredibly memory intensive, so it makes sense that the crash occurred after attempting to save after a low memory warning.

Looking at the memory log (error.log) you can see that you have just over 7GB of memory free at the time of crash, with only 400MB free in the paging file. This is incredibly strange as paging files are used by Windows to clear the physical memory when it is getting full, having 7GB of memory free should prevent the paging file from getting so full.

I suggest that you attempt to disable the Windows paging file as it may be causing issues. This guide will show you how to disable it.

Quote from anonymous

Saving is incredibly memory intensive, so it makes sense that the crash occurred after attempting to save after a low memory warning.

Looking at the memory log (error.log) you can see that you have just over 7GB of memory free at the time of crash, with only 400MB free in the paging file. This is incredibly strange as paging files are used by Windows to clear the physical memory when it is getting full, having 7GB of memory free should prevent the paging file from getting so full.

I suggest that you attempt to disable the Windows paging file as it may be causing issues. This guide will show you how to disable it.

The only drive I have is a 500GB SSD-drive, so my pagefile is configured this low on purpose to prevent my SSD to be used up.

Quote from anonymous

The only drive I have is a 500GB SSD-drive, so my pagefile is configured this low on purpose to prevent my SSD to be used up.

I'm suggesting removing the pagefile entirely, it is not necessary for normal operation, especially when you have so much RAM.

  • Completed - Resolved

We will assume this is now fixed due to the lack of reply, if this is not the case post back and we will reopen the ticket.


Sorry that I didn't reply faster, but I didn't play so much WftO anymore since I completed the My Little Pet Dungeon campaign. Other than some short campaign-runs I tried the Crucible and at the end (28th round or something) I got the warning again that my pc was running on low memory and that I should close applications to prevent loss. But, no crash. :) I did remove my pagefile.