Immortal units after opponent disconnects from multiplayer game

  • Views 8,845
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

When an opponent quits/disconnects from a multiplayer game, some of the controlling AI's units become immortal. Both normal units and beasts. They're impossible to kill.

I would include a savefile, but after reloading the save. All units are once again mortal. So this only happens in a continuous multiplayer game where the opponent for some reason decides to quit.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Under Review

Will have to reproduce this in the new year. Thanks for the report!

  • Pending Customer

Can you give us some specifics on exactly how this is happening?

What map is this on?

How many units are in the game?

What are the effected units type?

Can you attach a results sheet.

Biervampir [AUT]

I guess that's the ghost unit issue.
Those minion didn't attack right?

Mr Bug

What map is this on?

Any kind of map

How many units are in the game?

No idea, average amount.

What are the effected units type?

Happened a while ago, as i usually don't continue playing if the opponent leaves. But i recall it happened to a gnarling and a skarg.

I guess that's the ghost unit issue.
Those minion didn't attack right?

Yes, they didn't attack, they only soaked up all damage.

Mr Bug

  • Accepted

Hey Mr.Bug,

I'm going to combine this issue with another similar one.

When playing online mode, if the client drops to desktop, the units will fight and then get stuck. The units are unable to move, attack or take damage. Any units that spawn after the players has disconnected is not effected.

This effects all units that were owned by the player when he disconnected, and is only really noticeable after attacking once the client has dropped.

[Dev] Nanorock
  • Completed - Next Patch
  • Completed - Resolved