mutator not loading, not saving after first map try (1st game fresh after editor)

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  • Completed - Resolved

I made this map in the editor, ajusted the Mutators according my specs and tried it on a skirmish against AI, when re-launching the map later I discovered that the Mutators were reset to default, re-entered the editor and was not able to load a Mutator profile, could not save it or change it eighter, when i made the changes manually or tried to save it as another profile, after the confirm buttom it resets back to the default profile.

Same when loading the map on multi, press load mutator profile, resets to default after confirm.

Any help with this will be welcomed. Thank you for a great game !

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Pasitenkinimo žymė pagal Carlos Michal Martinez Rico prieš 7 metų

straight to the point, effective and applies solutions as soon as possible :) cannot be better really, only if you guys would give something back... oh wait... you do! content :)) so yeah exelence

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Hi there ! Found a solution (it may help show the problem). When I open the map and load the mutator i need to edit any setting (example disable a room) and re-enable it again. Then it shows the (I am sure i want to apply changes) popup. Otherwise it just closes settings and does not load them. So it may be a UI thing or not a problem at all, but It may confuse some people (did confuse me).

Anyway thanks ! Gonna play now.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
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