Memory issues during save / load

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HI there,

I played the last episode of the HoG campaign only to find it crashing due to low memory. The crashes, which I have never experienced before with the very same hardware setup, occur usually at the time of save or load game. For some reason, Steam crashes as well and need to be restarted. Every crash was preceded by a system message saying WFTOGame.exe taking too much memory.

Save Crashes

First time it happened when I saved a game on a free slot. The game crashed when I clicked the "Continue" button just after the saving process was complete. Unfortunately, the save file was not created - so I lost my progress.

Once it happened, I restarted the level and saved the game more frequently, overwriting the previous save every time. One of these times the game crashed leaving me with no save file... It happened a few times again later on - the game crashed due to low memory when saving.

Load Crashes

Loading a save fame of a heavily crowded dungeon, results in a "Low memory" message from Windows and a crash. Usually it happens when the loading bar is full and you can hear the game sounds.

I attached the log file of the recent crash; unfortunately the saved game disappeared so I could not attach it (funny, it crashed when I wanted to save the game to report another bug :) )


Game version: 1.4.3f5 on Windows 10

Spec: Intel Core i7-2600K, 8 GiB of RAM, GTX 570


  • No program was running while playing, except the Steam client
  • Game's cache was verified like it says in the FAQ, but it found to be OK
Game Version:
Steam Public

איך היית מדרג את שירות הלקוחות שקיבלת?

שביעות רצון על ידי elicn 8 שנים ago

להוסיף הערה לגבי איכות התמיכה שקיבלת (אופציונלי):


I know this response says it was fixed in latest version. Dont think I understand exactly what that means? 

I am having this exact same issue. With HoG last campaign, most of the map claimed. 

How does one sort this crashing during save please? It is extremely frustrating and I can't find a solution. 

  • Pending Customer

Hey Robz0102,

"Fixed in latest version" means that an update that came out about that time corrected this issue. 

If you are still experiencing this issue then please post a log from a session where you attempted to save and experienced a crash.

Posting Output Logs

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Declined, no response.

We will reopen the ticket wf we get a response