Restarts computer

  • Views 12,458
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

Just installed the game. Tried first play through of Campaign and around the first wave of enemy coming in, my computer reboots.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

Thanks for running all these tests mate - This is a rare case for us so we've got to cover all the bases. Now that we're more or less confident that you don't have a hardware issue the next best thing we can look at is drivers. Could you please ensure that your GPU drivers are up to date?

Further to that, we're releasing a new hotfix patch by the end of this week. It may cover your issue here.

CMDR Bill Paxton

Its a hard reboot, like someone pressing the reset button on the PC while in this game. Playing this game was the first time I saw this happen and the only thing that seems to make this event occur.

Earlier when we where looking at events, the first one logged was that "Origin Web Helper Service". Do you think that is the cause of the reboot or do you think this event is occurring because the system crashed?

I don't think I even had Origin running at the time as this game runs through Steam. Should I maybe try running Origin and have it working then try the game or is this completely unrelated?

In the meantime I will run memtest86 and see what happens there.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Hmmm this truly is bizarre, in the absence of obvious hardware faults it's difficult to say what might be happening. If this was a hardware issue as Scott & Stefan surmised then you would expect to see similar results when the PC is placed under strain and as you've demonstrated this appears to not be the case.

One question that hasn't been asked yet is how exactly is your PC rebooting. I.e. Are you seeing a graceful reboot where Windows attempts to shut your programs down one by one or does it simply power down immediately and then start back up? If it's the latter then it would imply that nothing is sending a signal to windows to restart but rather something is causing black screen crash which could still imply hardware faults.

Another hardware test you could run is dumping memtest86 onto removable media and booting it to do a full in-depth test of your memory beyond that which is the Windows diagnostic tools are capable of. You could also try looking for some hard disk diagnostic tools, perhaps straight from the manufacturer as they often offer free tools.

Eliminating a hardware issue would seem to imply some form of Software or OS level issue exists, perhaps an unusual interaction between some other software on your PC and WFTO? It might be worth trying to disable anything else that is running at the time of WFTO and running the game then, or even something deeper in the OS itself. For that I'd suggest the following:

  1. Ensure all your drivers are up to date including unusual ones like network drivers etc.
  2. Try everything in this article: General Crash Troubleshooting just in case. Including uninstalling and reinstalling the game entirely.
  3. Check to see if other Unity based games suffer from similar issues for you
  4. Disable all other application that are running alongside WFTO and Steam including Anti Virus
  5. Disable all unnecessary device drivers via the device manager, disable as much as you can until only the bare necessities are running. See if you get the same result.
  6. As an extreme measure consider a second bootable partition or hard drive with a clean install of Windows just for testing purposes.

Sorry for all this hassle, really wish we could get you in the game but this demonstrates one of the worst aspects of PC Gaming so many moving parts that could interact to create unusual results, now we just have to try and eliminate variables until we find the root cause.

CMDR Bill Paxton

Furmark 1440 Bench & Prime95 run at the same time, results:

CMDR Bill Paxton

I ran FurMark at the 1440 preset bench test (my max monitor resolution), results:

CMDR Bill Paxton
Quote from Scott Richmond

One test you're not covering is what happens when both CPU and GPU are under load - Try running Prime95 and Furmark at the same time.

I just uploaded two videos to my Youtube channel of me playing Battlefield 4 last night. Recorded with Shadowplay. Pretty sure that exercises both CPU and GPU. Check them out:

I will also try your suggestion, as I said, I'm willing to do what we can to try and figure out why WFTO doesn't work properly. Will post the results later. :-)

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer
Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

One test you're not covering is what happens when both CPU and GPU are under load - Try running Prime95 and Furmark at the same time.

CMDR Bill Paxton

Prime 95 - 2HR run, Zero Errors: