The Tavern can have more than 100% fill level

  • Views 10871
  • 已更新
  • Out of Maintenance Scope

Look at the image:

Image 1465

I have only ever seen 101% level, but can't say it can't go beyond that.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Rudolph Reindeer

This has returned in 2.0.6f(or earlier).

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Backlog

This is probably too minor to address at this point, though perhaps it'll be an easy fix if we do. I'll put it into our Triage backlog for the next Triage pass :)

  • Declined
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Out of Maintenance Scope

Hi Zzombo,

We have just completed our triage checks of all reported issues. Sadly this one has not passed into our queue as unfortunately, it is too minor in its impact on the game versus its cost to address.

 Please don't let this discourage you for reporting issues in the future, many of the tickets in our triage queue have successfully passed triage and have been assigned a priority in our work queue.

Kind Regards,
