Game Crashed in Scenario Mode

  • Views 7,873
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

The game crashed on a custom made map in Scenario mode. The crash happened when I was attacking. I suspect the crash has something to do with the units as this is not the first crash I've experienced.

Computer spec:

  • Asus Notebook R556L
  • Intel Core i7-4510U CPU 2 GHz
  • 8GB Ram
  • Windows 10 64bit
  • Intel HD Graphics Family

As for this case I got a output log, but I did not get a crash report from Steam.


Game Version:
Steam Public
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted

Going to pass this straight through. Looks like a Stack Overflow on some for of ability cast under very unique circumstances.

Reyh! can you provide details on what units were present on both sides in the fight if possible, and also if you can link the map where the problem occured that'd be great!