Heart of Gold lvl1; Infinite templar spawn (ocured after saving)

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  • Completed - Resolved

Hello everyone,

While playing lvl 1 of the Heart of Gold campaign I've encountered a quite peculiar bug.

Given, the bug isnt directly blocking me finishing the level/achievement by simply restarting

the it and not using my save file (which aparently made the bug apear) but i think it would be nice if the team could find time to get behind it the problem to save other players some frustration

Now to the problem that apeared:

While i tried to get the "Stairway to Heaven" achievement i saved my progress in the midle of the level and reloaded the game later. by then, I already destroyed the Gateway where Mandalf first respawns from and the one which is located in the lava-river.

Now after reloading, the first mentioned destroyed Gateway (which i already claimed)

started spawning


Image 1294

Image 1295

Image 1296

only after Mandalf respawned (i think he was lvl3 by then) the spawning stopped.

That was sadly of litle use since not only was i faced with a force of about 350 templars

which were crusading all my sentinels to death, but they also encumbered the game so much that it crashed one minute after.


An interesting sideffect to mention: another strange thing that was going on was that some unknown entety was using the lightning spell on my minions but on my own tiles.

(this very much confused me, since you dont play against another Underlord in level 1 [maybe not an official one but something that is set up in the missions mechanics that went wild? idk ])

-tiles around, aswell as the Gateway itself (Mandalfs first respawn point)

were claimed by me, the second Gateway, too

- order Gateways destroyed 1. Mandalf first respawn 2. lava-river Gateway

-game was saved after Mandalf died

I think this bug could become agrovating if it ocurs during hunting for time achievements

but i don't know if the problem ocurs often, haven't yet found someone who encountered the same bug and maybe i just became quite unlucky


I hope i did everything right, especialy since i never reported bug before and because english isn't my native language

If any information is needed (or in case i didnt took the right safe file, still not sure if i did it right)

just contact me per e-mail, and thanks in advance for fixing the problem ;)

I don't know what I've been told ♫

I don't know what I've been told ♫

But guarding Gateways won't get old

But guarding Gateways won't get old

Image 1303

(they just marched around there for no reason) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Game Version:
Steam Public
  • Начат
[Dev] Nanorock

This save file proved invaluable ! Thank you very much for helping solving this long standing bug

  • Completed - Next Patch
  • Completed - Resolved