Can't finish HoG mission 1

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  • Completed - Resolved

Windows 8.1 64-bit

GTX 780



I got to the end of mission 1 where you're told to use Blood Money on Mandalf to advance to the next level. I used it on him (Yellow), it played a little cutscene where he was asking what I bid of him, and then he turned to gold (Mandalf the Gold). The objective in the top right to turn him into gold is still there though, and I can't finish the level.

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Duplicates 1
Heart of Gold Mandalf the unable torturable killable... beatable...

War for the Overworld Launcher Log.txt

Saves Group 1

Save Group 2

Save Group 3

Ok so beat Mandalf the Jasmin White unconscious, for various reasons I was unable to get him into a prison before he respawned.
Beat Mandalf the Orange whatever unconscious got him to the prison converted him asap.... and nothing... figured missed my window of opportunity to win that way. Turned him into gold.
Proceeded to beat him unconscious ten times figuring that is how I win... and well here we are again... Help please. :)

If I can give you any more info let me know.

George Spiliopoulos

Came across the same issue :-( What can I do?


Glad I could help :)
And now you have me curious what the bug is. XD

[Dev] Nanorock
  • Completed - Resolved
[Dev] Nanorock

So I found a different problem in your save file, and I fixed it internally ^_^ So it will be available in next patch. Again thanks for the save file =)


Sorry about that, I did not follow the thread when you merged things >_<
That has been fixed
Anyhoo if you need anything else let me know. :)

Jan - Eric Merzel

Nvm i can get them back in. thanks anyways

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Accepted

great, thank you Userecho. something got messed up and i do not see your original post upon merging it.

i am majorly sorry for the inconvenience PestoPosta would it be possible to upload them again? in the meantime i will try to figure our what just happened <.<

Sorry, again.


Yeah figured that having read other posts, but figured the save games might help fix the problem. :)
There should be a save right around when I think the bug kicked in so, here's hoping it helps. :)

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Accepted

Hello Pesto Posta

thanks for your saved games, this issue is known internally but your saved games may bring the solution to this problem.

the only cuírcumvention we have for this currently would be completely restarting the mission. Also try avoiding Save and load for this mission.