Freshly installed, can not start / launch the game

  • Views 45,448
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

I just want to play and build maps, but since the map editor update, I can not launch my game.

When I try to play, the game starts loading, shows the ingame loading screen... Loads a bit and then returns to desktop and tries to re-launch automatically in a loop...

I tried validating the cache integrity from steam proporties, I even deleted the game and redownloaded and installed, but still have this dissapointing problem.

I just want to play the game, I paid for, when I get back home from work.

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1
BIOS: BIOS Date: 11/07/12 17:28:55 Ver: 04.06.05
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 16306MB RAM
Page File: 7236MB used, 27422MB available
DirectX Version: DirectX 11


Game Version:
Steam Public

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Duplicates 1
Fail to launch, possible DRM issue (continuation)

(Continuation from this link:

Hello, after months of communicating steam's support team, they decided that this is their final answer;

23 Message by Support Tech Jared on Wed, Aug 10 2016 13:49
Correct implementation of Steam DRM is up to the developer of this game. A game that has implemented this feature correctly should not automatically close when a problem is encountered.

Unfortunately, we can't work on a game that our teams didn't develop here at Valve. The only path to resolution is through the game's support team, and, with all likelihood from what you've described, their development team.

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Under Review

ill have to inform a coder on your issue then

Horned Reaper

Yes I have tried launching the game with my ports open, still the same...

But why do you ask did you find anything related "NetworkConnectionError.CreateSocketOrThreadFailure", did you even take a look at my output-log, can't we pinpoint the situation from the file? If not why do you ask for the logs?

I got things like these, what do these mean?

(Filename:  Line: 1713)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/NFAA' - Setting to default shader.
The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
(Filename: Line: 1713)
WFTO Version: 'WFTO v1.3.2f3'

Listen, I couldn't be a kickstarter for this game because I learned about it way after, but I still would if there's anything like that, so I bought the game to show support and appreciation.

Because I once had the worst mistake of selling an original copy of Dungeon Keeper I owned, when I was young. And you guys are the most promising successors of the game. I would buy a boxed copy of the game if I was sure that you managed to release it, but you guys didn't even send the PDF's you promised yet...

And now I'm at the edge of thinking for a refund, because I'm sincerely telling you that; I can't even open the game since the map editors update let alone playing it. I am so excited about the maps, have waited so long for it and know see that people have already started sharing theirs. But I can't even see how it's like and I'm not invited to the party. =(

I mean, I'm being frank here, I don't want be rude or mean nor make you feel demotivated. But on the contrary I (and many people around the forums) would like to see you guys get back to it again. I'm sure you guys are working real hard there to carry the game further but may be you're not looking at the right place, of course the game's engine might have some flaws in itself, out of your boundaries and so on...

But yet, like an elephant in the room, this launcher problem is here for many people around the world who are interested in your crafts, please don't let us down this way. Did you guys discreetly go back to the closed beta-testing or something? If so I want in!

I'm 32 years old and a tired, working man. All I want to do is go back to my youth and relax with your game, after work... But on the opposite, I'm spending more time on the steam discussions and bug forums, reading pages of thesis, just to get back to playing the game. It shouldn't be like this.

To sum it up, I would like to underline that I am more of a fan who appreciates the whole team's efforts and the art that have been put out there, both visually & code-wise etc. rather then a plain customer. Like the %90 percent of us if not all... And I don't want to leave brokenhearted.

Please investigate my log files, I might supply further info about my system if needed. But let's at least be sure about the reason of the problem.

PS: If you could send a boxed copy, I would still buy it.


Have you definitely confirmed that those ports are not closed?

Horned Reaper

I read those links thank you and no I don't have USB headset nor AVG Antivirus installed.

All the forums are full of complains about this issue, please try to figure in another way.

It's been months that I can't play the game.


Hi Merket27 (Also Erke from Steam?)

Following on from our brief conversation on steam, firstly thanks for making a ticket on here as requested and secondly here is the thread that Bohser was talking about, perhaps the same situation may be happening here?

As Riva has said, the only other 2 problems we're aware of that can cause this issue are AVG anti-virus and USB headsets, so if it is neither of those and the thread i've linked above isn't any help then we'll have one of the coders look at it.

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Pending Customer

Hello Merket27

there may be various reasons why the game might not run so i will need to ask you for some information:

Do you use a USB headset? if you do please try unplugging it and starting the game.

Do you use AVG Antivirus Software? if so please make a exception for the WFTOGame.exe

also please read here for more information.

if none of this helps please come back to me here and i will contact a coder to look at this.

Thanks for your time answering the questions.